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i2Living.Life and Coaching Privacy Notice


1 July 2020






i2Living.Life and are trading names of William Paul John van Zyl, a UK sole trader specialising in coaching, wellbeing and transformation.


Any reference to i2Living.Life and in this notice refers to and binds William Paul John van Zyl and, where relevant, associates delivering the work with him.



i2Living.Life and is committed to protecting your personal information when you are using our services. This notice provides a summary of how we will use information held about you.


We will collect personal information about you through the contact form you fill out when contacting i2Living.Life and or as part of the registration journey for any event you may subscribe to. If you provide additional, relevant information by phone, SMS, email, other correspondence or in person, we may also collect that information.




What information will i2Living.Life and collect about me?



We may collect personal information about you to allow us to communicate with you about your specific needs and to allow us to process your order and delivery your BASE yoga mat. If you have subscribed and consented to our regular promotional updates, we will collect information for this as well. This information includes: 


Your name and surname 


Work or personal email addresses


Telephone or mobile numbers


Your home or work address


Your brief medical history if you register for one of our workshops or events where understanding this data is critical to your safety during and after the event.




We use basic cookies to understand site visits and site performance data, but these do not collect or store your personal data.



How will i2Living.Life and use the information it collects about me?



We’ll only use information on you for the following reasons:


To communicate with you about what you have asked of us


To fully complete your registration for any event or service you have registered for or enquired about; to enable completion of our obligation to you


To send you promotional material if you have asked us to




When will i2Living.Life and contact me?



i2Living.Life and may contact you:


To confirm you registration for an event or service


If any details regarding an event or service change and you need to be informed to avoid impact to you


After you have attended an event or a used our service so that we can get feedback on your experience with, if you have said this is OK


When you have asked us a question or sent a product or service query


When you have asked us to send you promotional material and we are running promotions




Will I be contacted for marketing purposes?


Only if you have asked us to send you promotional material. This includes marketing.




Will you share my personal information with anyone else?



We share you delivery details with our couriers. We primarily use Hermes, but to keep costs as low as possible we do always aim to use the most economical courier, so others may receive your data for this legitimate interest.


Our website and CRM system is provided by WIX. Although the data is processed in their platform, WIX do not access your personal data, as i2Living.Life and is the Controller.




What about Payment Data? 



i2Living.Life and do not take or process your payment details. We will provide an invoice with our banking details on it to allow you to do a direct payment into the required account.  




For any questions about your data, contact Will van Zyl using this form, here.

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